Last week, we highlighted the 4 functions of behavior. If you read that post and thought to yourself, "My ____'s behavior is definitely sustained by attention" - then today's tips are for you!
It's important to first establish that without a proper Functional Behavior Assessment and/or Functional Analysis conducted by a professional, we can only predict that the perceived function is, in fact,the TRUE function of behavior.
Many behaviors are maintained by attention. Using these tips together can help you to get on track to gradually decreasing the inappropriate ways to access attention, at the same time as increasing the appropriate ways to access attention.
And REMEMBER: attention that is desirable doesn't necessarily have to be what we believe is "positive" attention. Sometimes, children are reinforced by saying “no”, punishing looks, punishing tones, and even eye contact alone.
We all are searching for attention...that is just a truth of the human flesh! Find ways to provide attention to your child so that they know they are loved and cared for. Sometimes, using your attention strategically is, in fact, a way to best love and care for them.
Have questions or want to learn more?📩 //